

Legend has it that first god made a barber, and only after that gave himself a beard. It is only fitting, then, that after so many decades this divine tradition is back in Ljubljana with the first exclusive barber shop, where our modern touch puts the spotlight back on this ancient and noble craft.
At the Ljubljanski Brivec you will meet our master barbers who offer everything from clean shaves and fades so sharp you could cut yourself, to sophisticated and premeditated cultivation of your hairy facial accessory. You can also count on a pinch of the manliest pampering in town, which we reserve exclusively for proud owners of the quintessential symbol of masculinity – the beard.

This springs collection of hairstyles - IMMUNE - distances itself from the present and forms strong ties to millenium guidelines for cutting, coloring and updos. The main focus are highlights, which form a thoughtfully arranged aesthetically perfect end result. Coming out of its shell are highlights on the top of the head, creating visible details. If you’re looking for a distinctive flair you can combine those with some wild pastel colors and shines, to evoke primal feelings and dissolve the illusion of separation. When cutting, volume and density are the two main goals. Never the less, here and there, we can use a hint of asymmetry just to spice everything up. Bob or lob is still very usefull; the fullness of a bob haircut and a long fringe actually create a match made in heaven. All lines of the haircut remain soft and light with full outer edges, however it is extremely important that we avoid shearing when cutting details. The updos emphasize simplicity as well – created from a simple ponytail, which is folded and teased, they form a full bun style, which compliments higlights perfectly.
Immunology teaches that natural immunity is the result of an immunological memory of the previous meeting with something or a memory of a relative insensitivity to something. Therefore, in the coming period lets get used to completely asymptomatic IMMUNE system. It is instinctive, in its own way.

In time, when fashion runways are dominated by styling icons, when cult movies are being reinvented, in time when the past is almost as importnat as the future, Mič Styling Art Team took a step back, just to be able to grasp their 17-years of experiences to inspire them for their newest collection Myth. With the mythical imagery of their early days in the beginning of the 90s they have redefined coloring and hair cutting, which made them famous at the beginning of their career.
Color wise they choosed to go with natural tones and lighter highlights, whereas in cutting they reamain loyal to what they are best known for; precision and technical perfection, which creates lavish movement of the hair in an asymmetrical line.
The story of Mič Art Team Styling is certainly a mythical story of success and the Myth collection is dedicated to just that - the myth of growth, progress and a constant desire to achieve more.

Creative Shelter
It's been 20 years since we are located at the centre of Ljubljana, at Kongres Square. This is where ideas are born in this is where visions grow to reality. Art Team memebers are convinced that: 'We must always be on a lookout for new challenges, create new fashion trends. We must never stop to grow and develop!'

FLAIR. A unique attraction. A hint of elegance. The scent of sweetness. The newest Mič Styling collection FLAIR is all about above mentioned.
Unique shades of eternal blondes, that allow us to flirt with nostalgia while we are looking into the future at the same time. Perfected cut and color techniques accentuate natural skills, instinct and the sense to create elegance, esthetics, eternity. FLAIR is that sweet scent, when memories are perfectly combined with the vision of the future.

Never stop!
In November we achieved another great victory and opened the first international Mič Styling Paul Mitchell the School, where our Future Professionals can work with the best to become the best!


Youth strikes back!
'We are fierce. We are energy. We are fresh. We don't make mistakes. We learn! We don't follow the rules, we create them. We are action, not reaction!'
This is how youngest generation of YMS – Young Mič Styling sees themselves. Hair salons created for young at age and/or at heart.
Newest fashion trends, fresh cutting techniques, different interior and laid back atmosphere. Jump into unknow!


20 years and still going strong
Our 20th birthday is a really good reason for celebration. Mič decided to honour this achievement a bit different. All of his hairstylist received professional custom made limited edition Mič Styling Scissors to generate even more creative cuts. Together they decied that giving back is by fur the most fun. All funds made on our birthday were given to charity.

Unique Experience
In December of 2009 our biggest salon, centraly located in Ljubljana's main Park Zvezda was revived. Once again, we redefine what a hairsalon in the city centre should be: a unique experience!

Mini and Mič Styling united their Fashion Icon reputation and created a unique collaboration. You can spot us driving through the city in this little beast. Keep in mind, wherever you see one, fashion is being created.

Knowledge is power.
At first we would go abroad to learn more about fashion and trends but we soon realized that it's not about copying someone else, its's about being creative and original. Following that, we opened our own Mič Styling Academy in 1997. With the creative space of over 350 square meters at historical centre of Ljubljana we were able to redesign hairstyling education in this part of Europe.

In the centre
Mič was always a firm believer that youngsters should always receive full support. He gathered the youngest Team in town and in 1994 they amazed the capital city of Slovenia with the first exclusicve hair salon centrally located.

It all begins with the first step.
Ko je delal v frizerskem salonu pri mami, je vstajal ob petih zjutraj.
Pomagal je prati lase, pometal in čistil salon, nato pa se učil.
Ob pomoči staršev je Mič leta 1991 odprl svoj prvi salon na Viču.
Mič meni, da odpreti vrata frizerskega salona ni težko, teže ga je dobro voditi in obdržati: "Od vsega dela, ki ga imam, še vedno najraje strižem. Če ne delaš z ljubeznijo in nisi ustvarjalen, preprosto ne uspeš."